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Empowering Black Occupational Therapy Practitioners and Students

Bring Your Expertise to the NBOTC

The following committees are currently a part of the NBOTC infrastructure, as outlined in our By-Laws. While much of this work is currently being fulfilled by the Board, the goal is for YOU, our brilliant members, to bring your wisdom to the table and help us live into our mission and vision. Take a look, decide what you offer or would like to learn, and join today!

Professional Action Committee

Focuses on professional issues and concerns impacting the NBOTC's objectives. Collaborates with the Executive Board and membership to determine tasks.

Responsibilities: Present a written report at the Annual Meeting.

Budget Committee

Serves as the fiscal advisory in coordination with the Treasurer and Executive Board. Recommends a budget and dues rates, and anticipates financial changes.

Responsibilities: Present a written report at the Annual Meeting.

Communication Committee

Responsible for maintaining and communicating official NBOTC information to members using cost-effective methods (print, electronic, audio, or visual).

Responsibilities: Ensure consistent communication with members.

Membership Committee

Handles recruitment and retention of members, maintains a membership list, and coordinates registration processes.

Responsibilities: Send renewal notices and collect registration data.

Nominating Committee

Oversees all phases of NBOTC officer elections, prepares a slate of eligible candidates, and conducts elections.

Responsibilities: Recommend candidates for BOT and AOTA awards.

Bylaws Committee

Reviews the NBOTC bylaws and proposes revisions. Ensures consistency through editorial and clerical updates.

Responsibilities: Accept suggestions from members and the Executive Board.

Student Action Committee

Communicates with student members and represents their interests within NBOTC. The Chair serves as the official student body voice.

Responsibilities: Present reports and attend Executive Board meetings.

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